Lauren Lanoue

Writer | Speaker | Rule-Breaker


Whatever brings you here and whatever you’ve brought with you, welcome. Every piece of you. I’m so glad you’re here! Here's a little of my story.

About Me

Growing up, I was the "good kid." The rule-follower and the perfectionist.

I tried so very hard to follow every rule thinking this was how I would earn acceptance, approval, belonging, and love. I never could quite measure up, but that didn't stop me from trying.

In my early thirties, I began to question my whole life from my long-held religious beliefs to my relationships to this way of living by a rulebook. I quickly realized that I did not want to live my life this way.

Not only was I utterly disconnected from my authentic self--I had no idea who she was. I also had no real community. How could I when none of them knew the real me.

I had lived a half-life lead by obligation, duty, fear of failure, and avoidance of shame until I learned. to break. the rules.

And that brings me to why I’m here writing in this space. I’m here to help you dismantle rules and mindsets in your own life that are creating disconnection, stunting your growth, and keeping you stuck in shame spirals.

These rules are sometimes obvious, and other times, they are sneaky and hidden. Dismantling them all is a process, and it's my goal to cultivate a safe space for us as we learn to ask hard questions and dig deep to find the rules and mindsets that are keeping us stuck.

If you’re a rule-follower wondering how to break free from shame spirals and that feeling of never being able to measure up, you're in the right place.

May we learn to shed the weight of expectations and the shame that accompanies them. We’re not meant to carry all that we carry so let’s start by ditching these rules and mindsets that keep us from connection and growth.

You can connect with me via the Connect page found at the top of this site or by following me on Instagram at LaurenLanoue. You can also subscribe to my monthly newsletter over on Substack called Rule-Breaking News.

Thanks for visiting my website and for letting me be a small part of your journey.

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