Dismantling rules & mindsets that keep us from connection and stifle growth.

I’m here for you, rule-follower, the one who grew up doing all the right things, checking off all the boxes of what you “should” or “should not” do.

Now, you’re in the messy middle of life and questioning how you’ve lived your life thus far. Maybe you’re questioning your long-held faith and beliefs, your relationships, or who you are besides a good rule-follower.

If that’s you, you’re in the right place for learning to recognize the hidden (and not-so-hidden) rules and mindsets that are dictating your life, holding you captive in shame spirals, and keeping you from living a fully connected and authentic life.

We’ll learn together how to take off these restraints so we can grow and mature organically, how to reconnect with our authentic selves, and build real community all by throwing out the rulebook.

Because I know how us rule-followers are, consider this your invitation and your permission slip.

Let’s break some rules, shall we?

Hey! I’m Lauren Lanoue.

I’m a writer, speaker, and recovering rule-follower here to help you learn to recognize and dismantle rules & mindsets that stifle growth and keep you from experiencing true connection.

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